President of the University of Diyala, Prof. Dr. Abbas Fadil Dulaimi visits the Faculty of Management and Economics

         The Faculty of Management and Economics was honored by the visit of the President of the University, Dr. Abbas Fadel Al Dulaimi, on Wednesday 24/10/2018. His Excellency held an extensive meeting with the teaching staff and in the presence of the dean of the college and the heads of the scientific departments. After he praised the work of the college, he raised many issues of academic, scientific and educational content, including the introduction of the "one team spirit" initiative within the departments of the college By presenting the challenges and then working to gradually overcome them, in order to outline the methods of teaching process (teacher, student and curriculum) with an unconventional level of performance. He then reviewed the university's achievements on the level of performance and specifically its leading role in adopting moderation and neutrality in dealing with external variables and enhancing the independence of the university in the performance of its mission. In conclusion, the president thanked the college administration and its staff.