The Faculty of Management and Economics Holds a Seminar on the Management of Sustainable Development and its Challenges in Higher Education and Research .

The seminar was organized by Prof. Ibrahim Jawad Kazim to clarify the dimensions of the sustainable development and its concepts and challenges. The seminar included a comprehensive presentation of the most important challenges facing them in the field of higher education and scientific research in the field of higher education and scientific research. She also pointed out that there is a need to clarify the concepts and dimensions of sustainable development at the level of university students and teachers for the purpose of access to and use and benefit from them and showed that understanding and understanding the requirements of sustainable development is facilitated The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research should include indicators of sustainable human development in the process of evaluating performance and academic accreditation as well as the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research The request to the House of Representatives to allocate amounts within the State budget for the scientific research paragraph as a starting point followed by the Council to legislate a law on the resources of scientific research, which includes private sector institutions also the role of scientific research in the development process Nation in general and sustainable human development, in particular, this seminar was attended by the President of the Department of Statistics and members of the faculty and a number of staff .