The First international Conference
Under the auspices of the chancellor of the university of Diyala, Prof. Abbas Fadil Al-Dulaimi And under the slogan “Effective Electronic Applications and Iraqi Digital Knowledgeable Community “ The college of Administration and Economics in the university of Diyala holds the first international scientific conference for e-applications in the Academic Forum of the university in April2018 29,30
Conference Objectives
1-Giving the opportunity for the researchers of the university and those concerned with science and technology to share knowledge and experiences in various scientific fields and related issues.
2-Enhancing the role of applied science in the field of community to find solutions and meet its needs thru fostering the relationship among Higher Education institutions and industrial and commercial ones with the government, technical, organizations, and scientific centers inside and outside the country.
3-Assessing the problems that are faced by various fields and suggesting scientific solutions.
Conference Topics
E- Government
E- Governance
E- Management
E- Education
E- Statistic
E- Economy
E- Commerce
Supervisory Committee
Dr. Qussay .A Fahdil
Dr. Hatim .J Aziz
Scientific Committee
Dr. Amer .M Ibrahim
Dr. Ibrahim Jwad Kadim
Dr. Mahdi Salih Daway
Dr. HaithamYaqub Yusif
Dr. Anaam Abdulrahman
Dr.Nehad Mahmood Nasser
Dr. Firas Mohammed Aswad
International Advisory Committee
Dr. Ruzhan Mohammed Adroos
Dr.AytekinAuthman ouglo
Dr. Bader Alhuda Khan
Dr. Ali Almusawy
Dr. Mohammed Ali
Dr. Boull Kem Senay
Dr.Alaa Alhamamy
Organizational Committee
Nadia Mahdi Abdul Kader
Omar Mahmood Akawee
Ahmed Saleh Hasan
Mohammed Layth Talal
Younis Kadthem Hameed
Omar Najem Abdullah
Rahman Mahmoud Shehatha
Ibraheem Hafiz Farhan
Ahmed Abdullateef Alameer
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