The Faculty of Management and Economics holds a course on biodiversity culture

            The Faculty of Management and Economics at the University of Diyala held a training course on biodiversity, attended by Hoda Mahdi Ahmed, Assistant Lecturer and Wahab Salem. The course aimed at spreading the culture of biodiversity and minimizing the use of harmful plastic to reduce pollution. The course discussed several important topics, Organisms and their numbers as well as variability at the level of one species. It also touched upon the relationship or interaction between all types of organisms on the surface of the globe, which spread in different environments, including land, sea, rivers, forests and deserts. The course recommended the use of ceramic or glass containers for storage, avoiding the use of plastic or plastic wrap, and not throwing single-use plastic containers in the seas and oceans to reduce the risk of pollution and recommend recycling, increasing interest in studying biodiversity, especially nature reserves, Raising the awareness of the importance of biological resources and how to invest them and using the latest scientific techniques to study biological diversity and publish them in specialized international journals.